Saturday, April 25, 2020

Sustainable Tourism Climate Change free essay sample

Intro Explain climate change and sustainable tourism and how they link together and the purpose of the essay Note that there are other factors that affect sustainability not just climate change Middle Bruntland Report Rio Earth Summit Examples of approaches to sustainable development like- The Ladder of Sustainability (Baker et al 1997. ) Hunter’s Magic Pentagon Model Agenda 21 Conclusion Sum up the overall essay and determine, is climate change the most serious challenge to sustain tourism? With Reference to theory and practice, discuss whether climate change represents the most serious challenge to the sustainability of the tourism industry There are many ethical tourism concerns about human beings interaction with the environment, which has come at a detrimental cost of environmental problems resulting from man kinds actions. Climate change is at the heart of planet Earth’s issues and continues to increase. With the recognition of this alarming rate, humans are now striving to take a long term approach and implement sustainable tourism policies to overcome this. We will write a custom essay sample on Sustainable Tourism Climate Change or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This paper will explore and critique the phenomenon of sustainable tourism using theory, practice and examples, and whether climate change is its biggest challenge. Sustainable development has long been difficult to define as it means different things to people with different views. However it is often referred to as ‘development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations’ (Bruntland Report 1987. ) It also makes up the environmental, economical and socio attributes of the tourism industry. Brutland’s Report, ‘Our Common Future Campaign’ continues to urge that there is a clear link between climate change and sustainable development,’ â€Å"Environment and development are not separate challenges, they are linked. These problems cannot be treated separately by fragmented institutions and policies; they are linked in a complex system of cause and effect’ Here it is evident that environment and development must work coherently together as one cannot be achieved if the other is suffering. Therefore the link between sustaining tourism should help prevent climate change and destruction of the world’s atmosphere if accomplished perpetually. In contrast, it is argued that there are many limitations to this link as climate change must go far beyond the strains of tourism to be accomplished. In addition to this, there are many other anthropogenic constraints that are also decrementing Earth on a local and global scale such as; damage to the environment, water droughts, noise, air, and water pollution. The core values of the Bruntland Report were to battle poverty, and accomplish economic growth whilst stabilising population numbers, inevitably the actuality did not meet the high expectations set out and was criticised. This soon led to the United Nations Conference on Environment Development (UNCED) ‘Rio Earth Summit 1992. ’ As a result of the conference ‘Agenda 21’ was set out by UNCED it was a plan related to sustainable development at local, regional and national levels. It strived for improvement and more sustainability.